The Harvey Anderson Orchestra on an unknown tune at Ridglea Country Club in Ft. Worth, TX. –circa 1970– Guest headliner-Doc Severinsen
Personnel most likely:
Trpts.–George Cherub, John Anderson, Don Thomas, Joe Rodriguez
Bones–Dick Cole, John Osborne, Chuck Mandernach
Saxes–Billy Ainsworth, Larry Rosolowski, Jim Riggs, Ron Helvie, Harvey Anderson
Drums–Phil Kelly
Piano–Fred Crane
Guitar–Bobby Thomas
Bass–Ernie Chapman
I Can’t Get Started–Ron Puckett, trumpet solo
This was Ron Puckett with the Bucket List Jazz Band at
the museum in March of 2016.
That’s A Plenty by Rodney Booth and his band at the museum– 2/10/2018
We were able to record this tune from 2 different views. The side view will follow the front view.
Rodney Booth–trumpet & leader, Chris McGuire--clarinet, Lynn Seaton–bass, Steve Barnes–drums, Brian Piper–piano, Eugene LeBeaux–trombone