My dad’s music

My dad would put together a band every so often to play for groups.  They played for free, although my dad would pay the musicians, because it was usually for a good cause.  Here he is introducing the members of this particular band that played in September of 1988.  The thing that made this group interesting was that it included the first director and founder of the Jazz Studies Program at North Texas, and the third director of the program.  I think they were playing for a North Texas group that day.  He brought me along to video because he knew it would be an all star band.  The drummer was the only full time musician of the group, however.

This was recorded on a vhs video tape recorded which was not too great in low light.  However, it was convienent and cheaper than hiring a professional to record it.  Years later I transferred it to dvd, then onto my computer where I could edit it and put it onto YouTube.  I’m glad it has survived.